Friday, September 28, 2007

Health insurance

Watched Oprah show when they talked about health insurance and mike moore's movie Sicko. Very interesting. Made me realize that all of us who have yet to be a victim of the health care industry are basically just lucky, REGARDLESS of how good our insurance plans are or how much money we make.

One thing I think they didn't talk enuff about, tho, is the COST of health services. Do those pills and operations REALLY cost that much? If so, do they actually have to cost that much? Why can't government control prices thru out the manufacturing chain? My leukemia operation's retail price is $200,000 - but is the wholesale price actually $1,000?

-- sent from mobile phone --

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahem...being in the healthcare industry I hear this arguement all the time. People don't fail to realize for some of this technology and/or drugs that help us live longer takes on average 20 years and R&D. That costs money dude! Companies that create this stuff are trying to recover some of that cost. So I'll tell you like I tell others, you don't have to have the operation or take the medications.....just die already!
