Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"This place makes Cambodia look like Kansas..." - Blain in "Predator"

I think if I had unlimited resources & money, and nothing else to do, I would spend the rest of my life "making the Travel Channel come to life" (as Ludacris would say). I would hire the best travel guides in the world, and travel to as many diverse countries as possible. I'd tell the guide, "Come up with a schedule that lets me see & experience the most comprehensive view of this country that I can achieve in 1 week".

I think it's one thing to see stuff on TV, but I would imagine that actually being physically immersed in the location and culture would have a totally different 'feeling'.

I would definitely start in Africa. I would begin by visiting the countries of which I have friends that are from there, like Liberia. I would have them show me everything they could, and even live as a guest of their family - I bet that'd be better than a travel guide.

I would also like to get a better feel for all the political drama going on there. Hopefully I'd have enough money to provide myself adequate 'security'. :-)

Then I'd do Central America, since I've got some roots there. Then further down to South America - I'd love to hike thru the Amazon.

Oh, well. It's nice to dream. Well, since I ain't rich [yet], I guess I'll just go to Cincinnati....

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