Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"...Stepped out the house, stopped short, "Oh, No!"
I went back in, I forgot my Kangol.." - Slick Rick, "Lodi Dodi"

Am I the only one that is now forever unsure about the lyrics to 'Lodi Dodi', ever since Snoop re-versed it? I sit there thinking, "did Slick Rick say:",

"For all my dogs keepin' y'all in health..."

Or was that just Snoop's rendition?

And why is it that, in my time I've seen people close their eyes, tilt their head back and sing like they're in the church choir when it gets to the part:

"It's all because of you,
I'm feeling sad and blue..."

And am I the only one that remembers where he was the day that Snoop's "Doggystyle" album dropped? Was I the only one who had friends that waited in line outside the store before it opened to purchase it?

Hmmm...I'll just ask the questions...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Elaine: "Ohh, no! The city shuts down 5th Avenue; they never let anyone thru! We're never getting home."
Kramer: "Alright, I'm gonna check it out. ...Aieee! ...mucho trafico."
- Jerry, George, Elaine & Kramer stuck in traffic during the Puerto Rican Day parade, Seinfeld

On Saturday my wife and I went to Dayton to see the fam. We left to head down I-70 East towards home at about 9:45pm. Icy rain had begun to fall about an hour prior to that.

About 10:05p, we noticed that traffic coming in the opposite direction (70 West) was very light. Within a few minutes, it was more than light - there was not a single car going West on I-70. This wouldn't have been so strange except that we had been driving about 25 minutes and still not 1 car. That was kinda creepy. Obviously there must have been a big accident.

Nevertheless, we were still riding smooth down 70 East..... I spoke to soon. About 10:30pm, we hit a dead stop 30 miles outside of Columbus.

We didn't move again until 6:00am Sunday morning.

Yes, we spent the entire night sitting in the car on the highway in 25 degree rainy weather. I'll spare you all the details (or maybe I'll talk about them in another blog, after I recover from the trauma. At least that's what my therapist recommends.)

We later learned it had something to do with two semi's jack-knifing, and maybe a 20-car pileup. But don't bother looking for the details on any news media websites. Apparently if stuff don't happen conveniently enough for it to make the 11pm news, reporters say "screw it". What the...??!!!

Well, at least my story can be told here for the world to see. Remember me, and my struggles... :-)
